Our show features various recreational vehicle types that are ideally suited to the consumer’s needs, their budget, and their travel requirements. Come and meet the pro’s that can offer up expert advice, helpful instruction, time-saving tips, practical training, and insightful consultation. Visit our show to plan your next RV Vacation!


Whether for sport, work, play or excursion, our show will feature every type & scale of ATVs along with the sports gear that makes the category move. Top industry experts and company representatives will be on hand to provide consumers with purchasing direction, tips, instruction, and safety advice. Come check out new technologies that are changing the ATV industry.


Regular and Custom Motorcycles will be on hand that will amaze our audience. Top designers will be on site to interact with consumers, answer questions, and show off their amazing rides. We will have dirt bikes, scooters, vintage and electric brands on display, including accessory and part suppliers that can meet every need or question you will have.


Californians set the national tone in all auto-related categories, and always have. Our show will feature top-end brand names, collector cars, exciting 4x4 brands, car celebrities, vintage vehicles, sports cars, car clubs, and off-road trucks that Californians love to hear roar!


Californians are passionate about their fitness, outdoor adventures, destination travel, and experiences. Our show features cycle brands, mountain bike brands, ski brands, performance apparel, sport-specific footwear, camping gear, and accessories for every category on display. If you are into an outdoor and on the move experience in life, then our show is your next destination.


Our show is all about enhancing your life experiences and your overall wellness. The event features brands in wellness categories that you will want to interact with including fitness brands, such as spa, resort destination companies, nutrition, health food brands, survival equipment, training professionals, tour companies, outdoor clubs and organizations.


Our California Outdoor Adventure Expo is the right destination for your brand, products and accessories that support the core elements of our show. This is your opportunity to reach out to a huge audience of outdoor, fitness, and lifestyle conscious consumers that will be in the market for products that fit their sport of choice, as well as seeking out professional advice, and technical demonstrations.

Custom sponsorship packages can be created to meet your specific needs.

Call today (203) 939-9901.